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Going After Kids

One of the more disturbing issues in the immigration debate is its impact on children, including American citizens in immigrant families. NCLR and the Urban Institute published a report last fall on the subject, which documents that alarming numbers of children have been separated from their parents in immigration workplace raids. The Nickelodeon network, to its credit, took a look at what happens to these children when they're "deported" with their families, and when they're left behind when parents are deported.

Check out the comments that have appeared on the ALIPAC (Americans for Legal Immigration) website - which claims it is merely concerned about legality - in response to the Nick News feature on this issue:
"Did you know that the illegals have carved out their own hallways in the public schools? My daughter said that she feels uncomfortable when she has to use the hall to get from class to class. Legal American's are being terrorized by the illegals who are multiplying like rabbits."

"As much as it's going to irk me to watch this garbage I'm also going to be keeping a list of those advertising during the course of the show. If the companies expecting our kids to buy their products think they will walk away without hearing from my kids about their complicity with a racist hate group like LaRaza in promoting illegal activity.....and detrimental child welfare issues pertaining to the exploitation of anchors by self serving parents.....they can just think again."

"I have observed this sort of behavior too. The 'latinas' (I refuse to call them young women) are as bad as the gangbanger guys. They will stand there and glare at white, african-american or asian young women (basically anybody who is not hispanic) like they have some real bone to pick with them. They have a real chip on their shoulder and are looking for a fight. Except that they are so cowardly that neither they nor their male counter parts will fight anyone unless the odds are at least 10-1 in their favor. It disgusts me beyond words to think that I am forced to oick up the bill for these losers via my tax dollars. God help them if one of them ever so much as touches one of my daughters!"

Good thing the voices of hate haven't hijacked the immigration debate, right?


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