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Ignorance Wars

Gheen Vs Gilchrist (this is so funny)

It only took Simcox two days to pile on and take his cheap shot at Jim Gilchrist as well. He and his friend William Gheen (ALIPAC) have started a “destroy Gilchrist and Huckabee” campaign with help from among the kooks and zealots of the movement.

William Gheen, President of ALIPAC, has had a personal grudge against Jim Gilchrist since the Minuteman Project was founded. Gheen makes his living soliciting donations from unsuspecting Americans in the name of border security. What most people don’t know is just how much of the donor money coming into his organization Gheen pockets. He has never opened his books to the public or explained what happened to the money that many hard working people have given to him. William Gheen uses fear- mongering and race baiting to scare old people out of their savings with stories of “the savage invasion from the Southern border”.

When Gilchrist founded the Minuteman Project many patriots believed that Jim was doing more for the movement than all of the dozen of other activist organizations combined. This caused the donor money to dry up for Gheen and ALIPAC, and Simcox and MCDC. And, oh, how they ranted and cursed Gilchrist and the Minuteman Project!

To preserve their “cash cows”, the naïve American donor base that has already sent them millions of dollars, Simcox, Gheen, and other so-called secure-borders advocates have to attack Gilchrist’s endorsement of Mike Huckabee. If Huckabee is elected President he promises “in writing” ( to secure the borders within two years, actually enforce immigration laws, and severely punish the unscrupulous employers that hire and exploit illegal alien labor. That certainly would end our mission and the need for a minuteman movement.

Mike Huckabee and Jim Gilchrist are threats to the continued financial security and commercial enterprises of these professional extremists and charlatans who make an earnest market in soliciting public donations to stop the illegal alien invasion crisis.

Fellow patriots, it is up to you now. You can join the charlatans in their witch hunt against Jim Gilchrist and his Minuteman Project, or reserve judgment until you can research the matters yourself. Meanwhile, Gilchrist’s Minuteman Project, which does not require “membership fees” to participate in saving America, stoically plods onward, relying on only a hope, a prayer, and a vision inspired by our Founding Fathers.

Gheene's response

My response to Jim Gilchrist.


Do you really think that attaching someone else's name to this hit piece is going to shield you? Do you really think that casting stones at me or Chris Simcox will distract people from the fact you just endorsed a candidate for President because he is the only one that would even speak with you?

You have abused any trust the people in our movement have ever put in you by endorsing Mike Hucakbee who is under investigation for setting up the Mexican consulate in AK. He lied to the nation about having a degree in Theology. He supports touchback amnesty for illegal aliens, taxpayer benefits for illegal aliens, and Comprehensive Immigration Reform which our groups fought hard to defeat while you were sending out hate e-mails, much like the one we just received, about others in your group. You have made a fool of yourself by endorsing a man that has called our entire movement racist and nativist.

If you were going to try to take a swipe at ALIPAC, at least get your facts straight.

If it were true that I had a grudge against you since Minuteman started then why would I endorse you and give you money to run for Congress a year later? Why would you see us here together at Unite to Fight? Does this picture look like I had a grudge?

All of the written documentation on the website contradicts this "grudge since the begining theory" you want people to believe considering the fact you and Minuteman Project have your own sections on our website.

You are also lying by claiming that we have refused to open our books. The ALIPAC financial records have been a matter of public record for three years now. It is hard to believe that someone that is an accountant, ran for Congress, and is supposed to be running a non profit organization would not know this. Any American is welcome to review our reports at www.FEC.Gov Our books have always been open, unlike yours.

The money did not "dry up" after the launch of your group. In fact, our fundraising continues to set new records each year. In fact, we have raised and spent far less than you have while achieving much more per dollar raised!

I have never made the statement "the savage invasion from the Southern border". A quick search of Google shows ZERO matches. This comment does not exist in the 18 thousand posts I have made online or any of the documented thousands of radio, TV, and newspaper interviews I have conducted.

A quick review of our open records at the Federal Elections Commission will show that I worked for over one year without compensation. Then I made $500 per month for awhile. Currently, I receive $3,500 per month as compensation for working on ALIPAC exclusively for over 60 hours per week. After taxes, this means I make less than $12 per hour which is beneath the average wage of my home city of Raleigh, NC. This is also far less than the $60,000 per year you were paying your twenty year old press director Tim Beuler.

It does not surprise me to see you resort to lies and personal attacks in response to the fact that over 70 leaders of different immigration enforcement organizations have already signed a letter rebuking your endorsement of pro Amnesty Mike Huckabee. Soon, there will be close to 100 leaders across the nation standing against your improper endorsement of a candidate that stands against all we have worked for.

Your false claims against ALIPAC are obviously the actions of a disparate man and anyone can easily verify for themselves that your claims are false.

It is no wonder that we find you in the back pocket of a liar like Mike Huckabee and that we find your organization in shambles. The truth is the only thing that can save America and lead to victory for our cause. You have abandoned the truth and now will reap what you have sown.

William Gheen
President, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC


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